Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) has asked the government not to take decision on Army Chief Rookmangud Katawal in haste.

picture CP Gajurel

Secretariat meeting of the ruling Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) has asked the government not to take decision on Army Chief Rookmangud Katawal in haste.

Secretariat member CP Gajurel told journalists that the meeting asked the cabinet not to take action against Katawal immediately.

Gajurel said it was not a matter to be decided immediately because of increasing interest of various forces including India and USA.

"As their views have already made public, we have concluded that there is interest of them as well," said Gajurel when asked to clarify how foreign interest was linked to the matter.

"So we have decided to study Katawal´s clarification, and the cabinet will also study it," said Gajurel. "We have not stepped back but what we want this matter to be decided after serious study."

The meeting, however, decided to ask the government to settle the issue without any delay.

"The meeting urged the government to take an immediate decision over the clarification given by the army chief after studying his (Army Chief Rookmangud Katawal) argument as soon as possible," Narayankaji Shrestha, Maoist deputy leader in the parliament, told

"The meeting came up with a decision to press the government to end the situation of indecisiveness at the earliest."The Maoist party in the meeting decided to call representatives from all the 24 parties represented in the Constituent Assembly at 4 p.m. at the ruling party´s parliamentary office to discuss over the same issue.

The meeting also expressed serious concern over President Dr Ram Baran Yadav´s role in the issue of government action against Katawal.

"President is ceremonial head of state so we are discussing with lawyers whether the role he played on this issue is legitimate," said party spokesperson Dina Nath Sharma. "We have concluded that president´s suggestion is attack on the principle of civilian supremacy over army."

Democracy and Class Struggle
says that it is becoming clear that there was considerable media co-ordination with the Nepalese Army and the discredited opposition of the Nepali Congress who has just suffered an electoral defeat in the recent by Elections to create this "instant" media Blitz against the Maoists for demanding something that any self respecting democrat would stand for civilian control of the military.
Koirala declared some weeks ago that the real war was starting enlisting India and the new Indian government political forces in his truelly machiavellian political schemes. Having lost the electorial battle all he has left is machiavellian plotting with foreign powers. However true democracy has much greater strength than Koirala ever dreamed of and the democratic forces will respond as appropriate in their own time.

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