Saturday, February 14, 2009

Matrika Yadav has quit the Maoist Party

Matrika Yadav is known for his short temper. He is a central committee member of the party of the ex-rebels. Matrika's contributions that he extended to the Maoists party-now the ruling one-in its formative days are immense and commendable.

Now Matrika is himself a rebellion. He has quit the party for good.

But why he abandoned the party he served for decades? What could have been the prime reason that encouraged him to declare in a some what angered mood that he remains no longer the CC member of the Maoists party?

These are some questions that demand plausible answers.

A section of the Biratnagar analysts while talking the telegraphnepal. com said that Matrika's out right resignation from the mother party was nothing more than a political stunt.

Yet others, some somber analysts, claim that Matrika was talking sense and he means business this time around.

Matrika's allegations are valid in the sense that his former party is functioning on a whimsical basis. No discipline is demanded nor one cares for the prevalence of the discipline that is demanded of a dogmatic party of the sort of the Maoists.

He claims that favoritism and nepotism has engulfed the party tip to toe. He adds, the party has abandoned the basic premises and forgotten the chartered objectives for which the party came into existence.

However, he says, "Unless the issues and concerns of the exploited ones from both the Madhesh and the Pahadi community not addressed, the state will remain hostage to such issues and problems for long time to come".

In effect, he is talking sense in that he is the first ever Madhesi leader who has championed the case even those of the Pahadiyas.

Whether his love and honor for the Pahadiya community is a genuine one or is otherwise will come to the open in the days ahead.

"I have now quit the Maoists party for good", is what said a beaming Matrika yesterday February 11, 2009, in Kathmandu while talking to the pressmen.

The Himalayan allegation he has labeled upon his former party is that, according to him, the Maoists must not have embraced the Unity center led by Comrade PRAKASH.

If one were to believe what Matrika says of the Unity center then one is forced to understand that the Center led by Prakash which has recently merged itself into the mainstream Maoists party is a party that has abundant hatred towards the Maoists.

Another Himalayan allegation is that, he claims, his former party "abandoned its revolutionary character and has been entrapped in the whirlpool of the parliamentary parties and practices".

Matrika's anger can be gauged from his blunt declaration wherein he says, "I will tender my resignation from the Constituent Assembly membership in a day or two".
To recall, Mr. Yadav was nominated to the CA from the proportional representation system.

Now that Matrika has left his mother party and has, as per his claim, "restructured the Maoists party" , what remains to be seen is how the two high ranking Maoists leaders, Rabindra Shrestha and Mani Thapa, take this fresh initiative.

By the way, Mr. Shrestha has already entered the UML. Thapa is thus an open card who can fit into Matrika's scheme, if the former so desired.

It will be more than interesting if Matrika's "restructured" party forms an alliance with the newly floated "Left Revolutionary Wing".

If the said Wing gets associated with Matrika's new political entity then understandably, the nation will have yet another militant outfit which will definitely rock the nation.

The political jolt will be felt soon if the Tarai militant outfits too extend their helping hands to Matrika.

But then the Himalayan wonder has been that Matrika has announced the formation of his party upon the completion of his fresh China visit.
Source: The Telegraph

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