Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Long live the struggle for a Peoples’ Republic in Nepal

Posted by Member-WPRM (Britain) -By WPRM (Britain)

A great struggle is taking place in Nepal between reactionaries who want Nepal to be a bourgeois ‘Federal Democratic Republic’ and progressives who want to see the establishment of a Peoples’ Republic. The supporters of the Peoples’ Republic, who represent the interests of the great mass of the people, are led by the United Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) or UCPN (M). Those who simply want the bourgeois ‘Federal Democratic Republic’ consolidated, and want no further progress, are the supporters of feudalism and imperialist domination of Nepal. They include leaders of Nepal Congress, the main opposition party.

There have been many recent discussions in Nepal’s media about the issues of integrating the UCPN (M) led People’s Liberation Army and the reactionary National Army. There have also been many discussions about the framing of a new constitution for the country. However, it is this struggle between the supporters of a People’s Republic and a reactionary republic that defines the nature of these other struggles.

This is a fight for Nepal’s independence against the forces that would keep it’s people in neo-colonial servitude and poverty. It is clear to all progressives in Nepal that the mass of the people there will not benefit from efforts to create development unless there is national economic independence. Otherwise the rural people will remain enslaved by landlordism and debt to money-lenders. The urban workers and national bourgeoisie will be strangled by Nepal’s integration into a regional and international trading and investment system in which it’s national economy is systematically suppressed by imperialists and bureaucrat capitalists and discriminated against by Indian expansionists.

To escape from this situation, the UCPN (M)’s strategy is for the working class to lead the other revolutionary classes to establish a New Democracy, which has been defined by the UCPN (M) as the Peoples’ Republic. This New Democracy can implement a strategy of national capitalist development that will create the necessary preconditions for the transition to socialism.

Therefore WPRM (Britain) resolutely supports the UCPN (M)’s decision to create a movement to oppose the consolidation of the Federal Democratic Republic and support the Peoples’ Republic. As Comrade Kiran, a senior Nepalese Maoist has said, this movement will principally be a movement of the people from the streets.

WPRM (Britain) is confident that all progressive people in Britain and around the world will support this historic struggle.

There is a link WPRM (Britain) under friends and comrades section on the right side of this page

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