Friday, February 6, 2009

Interview in Red Star Paper of CPN Maoist - The street struggle is connected with the peace process

Interview with Comrade Kiran

How are you evaluating the unity between CPN-Maoist and CPN (Unity Centre-Masal)?

Our party had already made decisions to make single pole of the revolutionary parties and organization. It is the beginning of the unity among the revolutionaries. This unity will certainly fulfill its responsibility for the nation and the people that is to accomplish the revolution.

You are inchange of the organizational department of the unified CPN-Maoist. How have you done division of responsibility of party leaders?

We are thinking about 2 phases of work division. Party central committee has 138 members. We have done our work division of the first phase. Central committee member will bear the in-chargeship of the state committee of autonomous states, mass organizations, fronts and forums. Secondly, there are special bureaus and departments. Thirdly, there are the responsibility in the fronts of the government, constitutes assembly and the different committees of the government and CA.

We have completed our primary work division to mobilize the three fronts: the government, constituent assembly and the street.

Have you any concrete policy and Programme for mobilizing the three fronts together?

We will raise the agendas of nationality, People's Republic and livelihood during our struggle. For that, we will mobilize the different mass-organizations, fronts and forums.

We have made Unity National Awareness Campaign for the struggle. The campaign will continue for 3 months. This campaign will be implemented in all the autonomous states. The struggle will be for the national independency and against international intervention.

We have made a new tactical line for People's Federal Democratic National Republic. Under this line and slogan, we will mobilize the people strongly to create the favourable situation for writing people's constitution. Along with it, the campaign is for the development of the country. It is the campaign of social-economic transformation. The programme of the budget will be implemented in the meantime. The task of socio-economic transformation and struggle will be carried together.

How will you be able to advance the two campaigns for the socio-economic transformation and the struggle of street together at a time?

The decision of the party and the government is similar in some of the issues because the party is in the government. Similarly, the front of the struggle is in the government itself and the Constituent Assembly. The street has always been the front of the struggle. We will mobilize these fronts in a harmonious way. The campaign, 'Unity National Awareness Campaign', will unify the three fronts together. And in the other hand, unified mass mobilization will combine these fronts as a supplementary to each other. The street struggle will help the government to draft the constitution of the workers and the peasants.

What are the main hindrances before the Maoist-led government?

The obstacles are both inner and the outer. First, the main inner problem is the activities and the behaviour of the aligned political parties. The UML and the Forum are in the coalition; however, they behave like the opposition. They are creating obstacles on the way to accelerate the vehicle of the government. Second, the old bureaucracy is not helping the government well. We have to solve this problem too. Third, the un-political strike and the protests in the street in an anarchist way is the another obstacle.

The solution of these problems and the address of the aspiration of the people are the true remedies.

The other important thing is that the government is not getting any chance to implement the plan and the programme as according its declaration.

Thee government has to address them.

Can you assure the people that the programme of social-economic transformation will be implemented all over the nation here after?

Certainly, the programme of the socio-economic transformation will be implemented and should be. If there will be no favourable environment to implement it, we will go to the street. We have to clear the hindrances occur on the way. At that time, the struggle will be the out come of the obligation. If one situation can not solve the problem, the other situation takes birth through it.

Many of the conspiracies are being hatched to fail the elected Maoist-led government. We all know that the main task of the government is to write a new constitution and lead the peace process in to a logical end. The extra-others are the secondary tasks for the government. However, the anti-people power and the reactionaries are trying to divert from the main issues and the tasks. Therefore, we advance a head to fulfill these tasks through the street struggle.

Is the street struggle related to the future insurrection?

The street struggle is connected with the progress of the peace process. The three fronts: the government, CA and street: are complementary.

However, the front of struggle can take another bend if the anti-people and the reactionary powers create obstacles incessantly against writing constitution and the peace process.

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