Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dina Nath Sharma - Interview in Nepal Telegraph

Spokesperson, Nepal Communist Party-United Maoists

Dina Nath Sharma, alias Ashok is currently the spokesperson of the ruling Nepal Communist Party- United Maoists’.

In 1999 he led a revolt within the Communist Party of Nepal (Masal) against the party leadership. On April 6, 1999 Sharma split from the party and constituted his own parallel Communist Party of Nepal (Masal). Sharma's party called for boycott of elections and supported the armed struggle. Soon after the split Sharma's party merged with the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist).

Sharma was inducted in the Maoist politburo. Sharma represented the Maoists during the 2003 peace-talks.

After the end of the 2006 democracy movement in Nepal, Sharma was included in the group sent to Kathmandu to start peace negotiations with the new government.

In early 2005 Sharma was, along with Baburam Bhattarai and Hisila Yami, demoted by the party supremo Prachanda. In July of that year Prachanda reinstated Sharma into the politburo. (Wikepedia)


TGQ1: Whether it be the issue of the Ordinances or some thing else, why it is only the Maoists being made the target every time? What could have been the reason for all such sharp comments? Your opinion please.

Mr. Sharma: You know well that when we emerged victorious as the largest party after the Constituent Assembly polls held last year April 10, then a set of people said that it was “unexpected” result.

If some other political parties would have brought the Ordinance then it would not have invited such a criticism as it is for us at the moment. The criticism is thus only because we are in power.

Since we have already accepted the democratic principles and thus what we expect is that the opposing parties must oppose us but that should be a healthy censure. The criticism is demanded in a democratic society but that must not be made just for the sake of disapproval. We must be taken to task so that we may not exceed the democratic limits and become an authoritarian regime.

Such protest brings us on track if we deviate from the democratic principles.

However, the present opposition is not a constructive one and is not in favor of national unity and people’s favor. It is just a stratagem of the political parties that do not want to see the Maoists’ continuing in power.

TGQ2: But it has been seen that your party is being taken to task by your own coalition partners in government? This is puzzling! What could be the main rationale for such a protest? Talks of bringing about a down fall of this government is also in the rumor. What say you? Your comments please.

Mr. Sharma: Here again come the values that are associated with politics. I think it is the lack of political culture among our own coalition partners. Politics demands honesty, moral and pure ethical behavior.

How much the UML friends have abided by the ethics and moral that is needed in politics is a thing that has to be judged by the general population.

It would be better to seek the general impression of the people and the men in the media as regards why we are being criticized by our own coalition partners? They would respond to this query on our behalf.

The Nepali media is observing the incongruity seen in the country’s politics of late.

As regards your second question, well, bids are on to topple this government. This is true.

Those who don’t want to see forward looking changes in the country plus those who have yet to reconcile with the political changes in the country are the “elements” who want this government to fall to pieces.

But be it known to all and sundry that if the incumbent government is made to collapse then what is also for sure is that it would be pretty difficult to institutionalize the democratic order in this country. The history is witness.

We would want that the ongoing peace process is not derailed and the process continue. If the process gets derailed, it would invite disorder as the people deserve the right to go on for yet another revolt to institutionalize the previous political gains.

If some one has nurtured the design to topple this government then it should mean that he or she doesn’t want the peace process to come to its logical end.

It is time to remain vigilant in order to protect the order which has been gained upon sacrificing several lives. Care must be taken in this regard.

TGQ3: You want to hint that domestic as well foreign forces are at play in toppling this government? Is it what you have said just now? Also tell us as to why Girija Prasad Koirala has been talking of late that it was time to seek for an alternative to Nepal PM Dahal? Your remarks please.

Mr. Sharma: To tell you honestly, there are scores of forces which want to see Nepal remain plunged in political instability in order to meet their political ends and interests.

Even while the last movement was going on, some foreign forces were present and wanted to block the change that was in store.

Because of strategic location, Nepal’s geographical advantage is immense. The extra-interest in Nepal is being exhibited by the Imperialists primarily. The Imperialists want to use Nepal as a focal point and destabilize this country with their presence. They want to keep an eye on the entire South Asian region by having their presence in Nepal. This is what we have been observing. We just want to avoid this unwanted and unwarranted situation.

Pertaining to your second question, let’s admit that Koirala is an important political personality for the democratic system in Nepal.

Thus we would want that Koirala becomes the guardian of entire Nepal but not remain as the President of the Nepali Congress only. Other political parties too prefer this to come to true.

But Koirala comes so low that it creates problems at times.

Since his utterances creates sensation both in the domestic and the international sector thus he should abandon making such nuisances as it sends wrong signals here and there.

We appeal him not to utter whimsical words.

TGQ4: Is it that Koirala’s utterances are aimed at toppling the government? Or does it act like a catalyst for bringing about a change in the government set up? Your opinions please.

Mr. Sharma: Koirala’s intentions may be not that, however, by extension it does mean that he wants to see the collapse of this government.

The day he made such utterances, around the same time the Pyuthan Police post was attacked, if one were to recall. One of the Maoist party stalwart has been shot at.

He himself (read Koirala) took the initiative and summoned the meet of some eighteen parties in order to press the government to convene a special session of the parliament. Though he failed in this regard.

The same evening our Polit Bureau member Suresh Singh was attacked and our party office in Okhaldhunga was summarily damaged and some five lakh rupees looted.

When Koirala is in Biratnagar, his utterances possess meaning. It may be a mere conjecture but then when he spoke in Biratnagar all these sad events happened instantly.

We expect that Girija Prasad Koirala is not carried away by the “plans and strategies” to forge a democratic alliances being floated by some reactionary and regressive elements.

TGQ5: Has the Maoists party split after Matrika Yadav’s quitting the party for good? Will he be allowed to reenter the party if he so desires? Your comments please.

Mr. Sharma: The mere exit of one member from the party doesn’t and shouldn’t mean that the party has split. This in itself is a matter for laughter. Neither has it had any logic nor fact. Thus when the event is bereft both from the logic and fact then it is also at a distance from the reality. Persons at times ejaculate from their preferred ideologies and at times they deviate from the charted goals and objectives. The process thus goes on and on. Time permitting such persons are cornered and finally vanish in the ethereal medium.

The politics flows like a river. In the process of crossing the river, one comes across with some rivulets and springs which finally submerges in the river itself. The river when originates from its source remains pure and its purity remains intact when it finally approaches the ocean.

History has it that Nepal’s communist movement seen such trends at times.

Ultimately, they all merge into one.

Not only Matrika Yadav, we have opened our doors for all the Left leaning personalities who want to join us.

Ultimately, Matrika Jee will have no option left other than to rejoin the United Maoist Party.

What has been marked that anarchism and extremism have gripped Matrika Yadav of late. If he opts for self-criticism and corrects his political aberration noted in him in the recent days and wants to re-enter the United Maoist party then he is most welcome.

If Matrika behaves in purely a political manner he will be honored, however, if he acts in a different manner and posed a threat to the State then the State will award befitting penal actions to him.

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