Sunday, January 4, 2009

Gaza is not alone! Solidarity in Greece

On Saturday 3 January a massive and combative demonstration took place in the center of Athens and marched towards the Zionist embassy. Thousands of people responded to the call of the Palestinian Community, of the Greek Social Forum and of the Left organizations (with the exception of the "Communist Party of Greece" - KKE). With slogans against the Zionist murderers and their accomplices, the USA, the EU and the so-called "international community", and throwing stones, the people resisted for long time the attacks of the Police Special Forces. The Police attacked with chemicals in an attempt to prevent the demonstrators from reaching the embassy.

The spirit of the demonstration, one of the biggest of the last years, was characterized by outrage for the Zionist crimes, anger for the pro-US, pro-Israel stand of the Greek government, and by resolute spirit of solidarity. The main slogans scanded also by the block of the Communist Organization of Greece were:

"Bush-Olmert murderers! Victory to the Intifada! Freedom for Palestine!"
"The people does not want them here - Throw the Zionist embassy out of Greece"
"Solidarity is the peoples' weapon - War against the imperialist war"
"Zionist pigs murderers: Gaza is not alone"
"Bush and Olmert kill, Karamanlis and Papandreou applaude"
"USA and EU, accomplices in the crime"
"No justice, No peace - Solidarity with Palestine"
"The real terrorists are in the embassies of USA and Israel"

Similar demonstrations took place also in Thessaloniki and other Greek cities. Today Sunday 4 January in the afternoon a new demonstration is called by the Palestinian Community, the Greek Social Forum, the Coalition of Radical Left (SYRIZA), etc. Unfortunately, and despite the plea of the Palestinian Community to organize one common demonstration, the KKE refused and will organize its own separate "peaceful march" 1 hour earlier... The same happened in Thessaloniki.

The Communist Organization of Greece calls upon the Youth and the People of Greece to get into the streets, to take part in the mobilizations organized by the Palestinian Community and the Left, and to express their outrage for the Zionist criminal aggression and for the shameful complicity of the Greek government.

All out to the streets!
Throw out of Greece the embassy of the Zionist murderers!
Unconditional support to the Palestinian Resistance!

Communist Organization of Greece / Kommounistiki Organosi Elladas (KOE)
International Relations Department

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