Thursday, December 18, 2008

CPN-M restructures its organisation department

The CPN (Maoist) has restructured its organisation department, replacing it with Organisation Bureau which will have nine members. Senior leader Mohan Baidya heads the bureau.

A meeting of the Maoist central secretariat held on Thursday at the Buluwatar residence of Prime Minister and party chairman Prachanda took this decision. The Organisation Bureau members are: Post Bahadur Bogati, Chandra Prakash Gajurel, Barsha Man Pun, Netra Bikram Chand, Dina Nath Sharma, Shakti Bahadur Basnet and Hit Man Shakya.

Likewise, Netra Bikram Chand will oversee eight of the 14 sister organisations while Barsha Man Pun will look after the rest. Both Chand and Pun are members are the central secretariat.

The secretariat meeting also nominated Post Bahadur Bogati as the chief whip of the party as the then chief whip Dina Nath Sharma has been appointed as party spokesperson.

Earlier this week, the central committee meeting of the party decided to go for 'one person one post' system. As per the CC decision, leaders in the government - except for party chairman Dahal and senior leader and Finance Minister Dr Baburam Bhattarai - leaders in the government will have to give up their special responsibilities in the party.

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