Saturday, October 4, 2008

Prachanda at the New School, New York 26th September 2008 - The Videos

Prachanda at New School: Intro from on Vimeo.

Prachanda at New School, part 2 from on Vimeo.

Prachanda at New School, part 3 from on Vimeo.

Democracy and Class Struggle was pleased to hear the voice of our US Comrades The Poor Righteous Party of the Black Nation speak in support of Comrade Prachanda and Prachanda Path at the New School Meeting

“On behalf of the Poor Righteous Party of the Black Nation we congratulate PM Prachanda, Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) and the Nepali people for your success. The poor oppressed Afro-American workers of the US stand in solidarity with the Nepali people in your fight to build a New Democratic Nepal. Long live Prachanda Path!”

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