Thursday, October 23, 2008

Mohan Baidya resigns from Constituent Assembly - Ideological Struggle intensifies in CPN Maoist

Kathmandu, Oct 22: Senior Maoist ideologue and Constituent Assembly member Mohan Baidya resigns from Constiuent Assembly Baidya's notification for resignation in the Parliament secretariat on Monday was confirmed by the party yesterday. Central leader of CPN-Maoist Matrika Yadav confirmed his resignation. As Baidya has to concentrate his efforts for party and he could not spare time to attend the Constituent Assembly meetings, so he decided to quit the membership, said Yadav, a close associate of Baidya.

CA Chairman Subash Chandra Nembang is likely to announce Baidya's resignation today. The resignation by Baidya has been regarded by political analysts as his move to sacrifice Parliamentary membership to capture the party organisation. It also highlights major rift between the hardliner faction within the party led by Baidya and soft-liners led by Prachanda.


  1. Discussion and debates are healthy.Hope that will help them to determine the proper limit of their current flexibility. And bring balance between their policy and tactics.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. It is my hope as well - good democratic debate followed by a re-affirmed unity of purpose.
