Friday, September 12, 2008

CPN-Maoist changes responsibilities of top Party leaders

CPN-M changes responsibilities of top leaders; Pasang is PLA chief
The crucial central secretariat meeting of CPN (Maoist) held Friday has reshuffled major responsibilities in the party.

According to the decision, deputy commander of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Nanda Kishor Pun 'Pasang' has been given full responsibility of the party's army.

The party had on the eve of election of the prime minister announced that party leaders elected to the Constituent Assembly would not have any attachment with PLA.
As such, the PLA chief Prachanda had shed off the 'uniform' after he was elected prime minister.

Similarly, the meeting shouldered responsibility of the party organisation department to another senior leader Mohan Vaidya.

Vaidya had been seeking the role of ad hoc party chairman since Prachanda was elected Prime Minister.

Post Bahadur Bogati has been given the responsibility of parliamentary affairs department while C.P. Gajurel will continue to look after party's foreign affairs department.

The meeting held at PM's official residence in Baluwatar also advised Prachanda not to sign any treaties or reach an agreement during his India visit.
Meanwhile, the Maoists have decided to hold central committee meeting ahead of Dashain festival next month.

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