Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Negligence in disbursement of allowance for PLA

People's Liberation Army (PLA) combatants living in cantonments in different parts of the country will get their allowances within a week."We have received a sum of Rs 171 million to distribute allowance of three months to 19,000 combatants. Each of them will receive Rs 3,000 per month," Shyam Sundar Sharma, spokesperson for the Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction, said on Wednesday.

Though the process of allocating the sum was completed by the Finance Ministry on Wednesday, Sharma said he got information about the allocation of the sum the day before yesterday."The money would be distributed to combatants by Monday through cantonment officers in all seven cantonments located in different districts," he added.

Though there had been an agreement among the political parties of providing allowance to the PLA combatants, the sum was not released due to the government's concentration on the constituent assembly polls and other political issues.

The government decided to release fund after Maoist Chairman Prachanda warned that the PLA personnel might run out of patience if negligence in disbursement of allowance continued.Though the PLA personnel are supposed to get allowance of 19 months, the government has provided them with the allowance of just seven months so far

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