Saturday, August 23, 2008

Nationalism, republic and socio-economic change; three mantras of new govt: PM Prachanda

Nationalism, republic and socio-economic change; three mantras of new govt: PM Prachanda

In his first message to the countrymen as the prime minister, Prachandahas laid heavy emphasis on promotion and consolidation of nationalism, republic and socio-economic change.

"Certainly, there are high expectations from the public from the new government. We will fulfill their aspirations by working in objective and planned manner. For which, we have outlined a number of national priority issues," he said.

"First and foremost is the protection of national sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity. If Nepal does not exist, then there is no meaning for anything else including the republic. But we have to strengthen the national unity based on full equality among people from Himal, Pahad, Terai and Madhes," he said.

PM Prachanda who is also the chairman of the CPN-Maoists, said that the new government will strengthen democracy.

"I want to extend full commitment towards modern democratic principles like multi party competition, period elections, rule of law…." he said, adding that the democracy now must become 'a democracy of people and not become only a formal system.'

"Our attention will be concentrated on addressing socio-economic issues such as poverty, unemployment and so on. We will work to bring about modern industrial economy for which private-public-partnership model will be followed," he said.

PM Dahal said the new government will encourage foreign investments in priority sectors including 'agriculture, tourism, water resources and infrastructure.'

"The industrial peace will be maintained by improving relations between labour and employers," he said, adding that the government will address the problem of high market prices, which is affecting the ordinary people.

"Taking the peace process to logical conclusion and writing constitution on time is the main task of this government," he said.

Appeal to Army

"This government also has huge challenges. We need the support and cooperation from army, police, administration, international community and general public to meet the challenges," he said.

The PM also appealed to security organs for their support.

"I appeal to Nepali Army, Armed Police Force, Nepal Police, National Investigation Department to forget the bitterness of the past and extend their support for national unity. There will be no prejudices from our side," he said.

The PM also asked for support from Maoists' People's Liberation Army, families of martyrs and promised them of full cooperation.

PM Prachanda has also urged the international community, particularly the neighbouring countries, to provide 'moral and physical' support during the 'historic transition' of Nepal.

"We will follow the Panchasheel in building our relations with all the countries including our neighbours," he said

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