Saturday, August 9, 2008

Girija Prasad Koirala on public offensive against CPN Maoist Government formation

The Nepal Telegraph Reports

“Why can’t we look for the Maoists’ alternative to lead the next government in Nepal?”

“Can’t we form a broader democratic alliance against the Maoists?”

None less than Nepal’s India “elevated and born” Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala asked the South Block friendly ex-UML General Secretary, Madhav Kumar Nepal on Thursday August 7, 2008.

Octogenarian Koirala who looks “unusually active” upon his return home from the Delhi pilgrimage, on Thursday early morning rushed straight to Balkumari, Kathmandu, to meet the ex-UML GS, Mr. Nepal who had recently gone to New Delhi to pay regards to his Indian political deities.

During the day, a jealous and power hungry Koirala met with the leaders of smaller communist parties and the erstwhile Panchas who have had clandestine links with the Indian establishment.

The Rastriya Janashakti Party president Surya Bahadur Thapa, a trusted Indian partner and the advocator of the “broader democratic alliance” met with Koirala at the Prime Minister’s secretariat in Baluatar.

Mr. Chitra Bahadur K.C- the Jan Morcha President, Nepal Pariwar Dal president Ek Nath Dhakal and Keshav Prasad Mainali-the president of Chure Bhawar Ekta Samaj were also invited by the care taker Prime Minister to hold political discussions.

Baluatar sources have it that Koirala maintained that “even if the Maoists form a government it will not last more than two months”.

Reports say that Koirala urged the leaders of all the parties to form a democratic alliance against the Maoists.

PM Koirala was accompanied by NC leaders, Dr. Ram Saran Mahat and Dr. Shekhar Koirala while meeting the invitees.

Janmorcha President, Mr. KC however, later talking to the reporters maintained that the Maoists as the largest party in the Constituent Assembly holds the exclusive right to lead the next government.

“Prachanda must resign from the post of the commander of the Maoists’ Peoples’ Liberation Army…and the Young Communist League must be dissolved….the Maoists must return the seized properties…” said Keshav Prasad Mainali quoting Prime Minister Koirala.

“If the Maoists do not fulfill the demands we have to look for other alternatives”, said Mainali quoting Koirala further.

“We brought them from the Jungles…now they (the Maoists) have stood against us”, Janmorcha president, Chitra Bahadur KC quoted Koirala as saying.

To add, in the four party meeting held on Thursday, the Nepali Congress has forwarded the claim that the Ministries of Defense and Home Affairs cannot go to the Maoists’ fold.

With the NC forwarding this proposal, the four party meeting ended in a deadlock even on Thursday.

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