Thursday, August 21, 2008

CMP lays emphasis on constitution making, state restructuring and relief

The Common Minimum Programme (CMP) finalised by the three parties – Maoists, Unified Marxist Leninist (UML) and Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) – has laid emphasis on writing the constitution within two years, and consolidating national interest, among others.

Signed by Prime Minister Prachanda, UML general secretary Jhal Nath Khanal and MJF coordinator Upendra Yadav, the CMP covers all the major issues from restructuring of state, implementing inclusion, providing immediate relief to the people and socio-economic transformation.

The CMP states that the Maoist PLA combatants will be integrated and rehabilitated along with management of their arms within six months.

The victims of conflict and those who suffered during People’s Movement, People’s War and Madhes agitation will be compensated, it says.

The parties have also vowed to control inflation and ensure easy availability of supplies including petroleum products.

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