Wednesday, May 14, 2008

YCL's central meeting had concluded last week deciding to increase its strength to one million members within a year.

YCL's central meeting had concluded last week deciding to increase its strength to 1 million members within a year.

"We saw it necessary to build an outfit comprising of young volunteers so as to realize the dream of a civilized and highly cultured Nepal in a 100 years time," Maoist central member cum YCL in-charge Kul Prasad KC told Kantipur Daily.

YCL general secretary Dilip Kumar Prajapati said that if their parent party, CPN-Maoist, goes on to form the government, then YCL would actively involve itself in security including other areas. He said that they would also commit themselves to big government projects to help bring about the "economic revolution" the party has promised.

"We would determine our strategy based on the kind of government that would be formed," Prajapati told the daily adding, "for that the central working committee meeting would take place once the government is formed."

YCL claims that till now more than half a million people have already taken its membership. Among them some 450,000 are said to be ordinary and around 50,000 are active cadres. Some 6 to 7 thousand among them are whole timers.

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