Monday, May 5, 2008

‘Nepal Maoists must concentrate on continuing the class struggle’

K. Srinivas Reddy in Hindu - 5th May 2008

It is possible only when they do not become part of government
Be wary of the possibility of coups, assassinations
They would be powerless to effect radical changes in Constitution

HYDERABAD: In a shift from their earlier stand on the Nepalese developments, Indian Maoists maintain that the current situation in the neighbouring country provides immense possibilities for carrying forward the revolutionary programme by relying on the masses and carrying out the class struggle, while utilising the State.

However, such a scenario will be possible only when the Maoist leadership in Nepal does not become part of the government but concentrates on continuing the class struggle, says Azad, Maoist spokesman in India.

In a statement on Wednesday, the CPI (Maoist) Central Committee described the electoral victory of the Communist Party of Nepal (CPN) as “a verdict against feudal monarchy, Indian expansionism and U.S. imperialism.” Cautioning them “not to become dizzy with success” and to be wary of the possibility of coups and assassinations, the committee said the real test would begin once the CPN took over the reins of power.

The Maoist party was of the firm view that radical restructuring of the system would not be possible without militant mobilisation of masses. Such systemic changes could not be brought about through State decrees and laws.

With the Nepal Maoists lacking a majority in the Constituent Assembly, they would be powerless to effect radical changes in the Constitution.

There were only two alternatives — either to compromise and adjust with reactionary forces or to mobilise people and intensify struggle through all means, including armed insurrection. The CPN should be fully prepared to confront coup attempts, assassinations, artificial scarcity of goods through economic blockades and sabotage by inimical forces that included India and the U.S, the Maoist party said.

While sending their “fraternal revolutionary greetings,’ Indian Maoists reminded the CPN leaders that very limited gains could be achieved by a government which came to power through elections.

“Survival of such a regime depends on taking a conciliatory stand on several crucial matters. Hence to overestimate the prospects of radical restructuring of the society or economy by a Maoist government would be illusory,” the statement said.

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