Monday, May 19, 2008

Let's learn from Buddha's sacrifice: Chairman Prachanda

CPN (Maoist) Chairman Prachanda said on Monday that the great sacrifice made by Gautama Buddha should serve as a lesson for everybody to make similar gesture from their sides to take the peace process to its logical conclusion.

Prachanda, who is preparing to head the next Maoist led government, said that at this critical juncture no one should forget the sacrifice made by Buddha, who in spite of being a son of a King, had left the palace.

Speaking at a programme organised by International Buddhist Federation on the eve of 2552nd birthday of Lord Buddha in his birthplace Lumbini, Prachanda said that all political parties should unite to push ahead the peace process and implement the republican agenda, not on some foreign intimidation or pressure, but as per the wishes of the Nepali people.

The Maoist hairman further said that his party is very responsible and committed to the peace process, claiming that "after coming to Lumbini this feeling got further emboldened".

Stating that after the implementation of the republican agenda the country would tread the path of "economic revolution", he affirmed that only if this happens there would be a sustainable peace in the country. He also clarified that the decade-long war was fought for "sustainable peace, equality and republic set up" and so it was a "peace war" (war for peace).

"To term it Maoist insurgency and not as People's War would be an injustice to the history," he thundered.

Speaking at the same programme, newly appointed CPN (UML) general secretary Jhal Nath Khanal asked chairman Prachanda to direct his cadres to "tread the path shown by the peace process" by immediately stopping their highhandedness. Khanal also said that with the end of monarchy in the country the era of conflict will end and peace would be established in the country.

Similarly, coordinator of Mahesi Janadhikar Forum Upendra Yadav said that the peace process would reach to its logical conclusion if the agreements signed in the past were abided by in letter and spirit, adding that no body can secure a victory through wars and weapons.

The organisers said the main objective of holding the programme was to make all political party leaders express their commitment towards sustainable peace.

Besides the political party leaders, Buddhist monks and nuns from Nepal and many other countries participated in the ceremony organised on the eve of the 2552nd birthday of Gautama Buddha.

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