Saturday, April 26, 2008

Revision of India Nepal Treaty of 1950

Former Indian foreign secretary Shyam Saran said on Friday that revision of the India-Nepal Treaty of 1950 was not at all an issue since it was already agreed in 2001.

In an interview to CNBC, Saran said agreement for the revision of the treaty was reached in 2001.

He also hinted that India will not have any reservation if the new government, possibly led by the Maoists, presented agenda to annul the treaty to sign a fresh one.

Saran further said India is in favour of a coalition government in Nepal and encourages all parties, including new political forces like Madhesi parties, to form a coalition government.

Revision of the Nepal-India treaty of 1950 was the demand of communists ever since UML leader Man Mohan Adhikari became prime minister of minority government in 1993

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