Monday, April 21, 2008

Nepal News Reports US to remove Maoists from terror watch list

US to remove Maoists from terror watch list

The United States is expected to remove CPN-Maoist from its terrorist Watch list with just a few ‘technicalities’ remaining for doing so, according to its representative in Kathmandu Ambassador Nancy J Powell.

The move, although not confirmed by the US government, comes at a time when the CPN-Maoist prepares to head the new government after its astounding victory in the Constituent Assembly elections held on April 10.

In a meeting with interim parliament speaker Subhash Nemwang in Singha Durbar Sunday, Ambassador Powell also said that the US would extend the same kind of assistance and support to the new government to be formed under the leadership of the Maoists as it had been providing to the previous governments.

During the meeting Ambassador Powell is learnt to have discussed the ongoing peace process, constitution drafting process and the latest political situation.

Even after coming to the peace process ending their decade-long insurgency two years ago and then becoming a part of the interim government the US had still placed the former rebels on its worldwide list of terrorist organisations.

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