Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Dr Baburam Bhattarai has claimed that no other party than the CPN-Maoist has the right to lead the next government.

Maoist second-in-command Dr Baburam Bhattarai has claimed that no other party than the CPN-Maoist has the right to lead the next government.

Talking to reporters at the venue of the meeting of party's central committee on Tuesday, Bhattarai said there will not be negotiation with any party on the government's leadership.

Dismissing the views of some Nepali Congress leaders that GP Koirala should continue as the Prime Minister as the Maoists didn't have two thirds majority on their side for claiming government's leadership, Bhattarai said, "The biggest party takes the government's leadership. This is a worldwide practice."

In today's meeting, the central committee members stressed that the party should get the opportunity to head the government with involvement of other parties, Bhattarai informed.

According to him, the central committee meeting will take decisions on the composition of the new government as well as the technicalities of implementing republic from the first sitting of the constituent assembly

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