Thursday, April 24, 2008

CPN Maoist - Messages of support from Communists around the World

The first felicitations came from the Communist Party of Greece
(Marxist-Leninist) , which said the victory was proof of the Maoists'
'strong ties with masses in Nepal as well as the determination of the
Nepali people for a new, peaceful, independent, sovereign and
democratic republic of Nepal'.

Sending a message to Maoist chief Prachanda from Athens, Chris Mais,
leader of the Greek party, said the success had generated 'great
satisfaction and excitement to the Greek communists and all the
progressive people in our country' and would open 'a new considerable
page for the people in Nepal and the whole world for national and
social liberation'.

The Communist Party of Italy - CARC - said the Maoist triumph was the
'victory of the world communist movement'.

'It is the first victory of the world communist movement in the 21st
century,' the international department of the party said in its
congratulatory message.

'The Maoists carried out the people's war up to victory, alternating
and combining armed struggle and political relations with bourgeois
and revisionist parties,' the message said.

The Revolutionary Communist Party of Canada, which had during the
Maoists' 'People's War' sent its representatives to Nepal to show
solidarity by helping to build a road in Rolpa, where the armed revolt
began, said the Maoist victory gave it encouragement to continue its
own struggle 'with even more vigour'.

The Ceylon Communist Party (Maoist) from Sri Lanka extended its
'revolutionary greetings' and expressed 'solidarity' with 'all parties
and organisations of the world who dare to bring down the system and
usher in the new world'.

The Workers Party of New Zealand, which had sent its representative
Jared Phillips to Nepal during the insurgency to network with
underground Maoist leaders, said the election victory was 'a blow
against under-development, poverty, and repression, and a stride
forward for liberation everywhere.'

The Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M), whose Nepal ally, the
CPN-UML, suffered a terrible defeat, has also congratulated the
Maoists. And one Indian politician, Sharad Yadav, has urged the Indian
Maoists to emulate the Nepalese Maoists and take to democratic politics.

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