Monday, July 13, 2015

Statement from (KOE ) Communist Organisation of Greece - Saturday 11th July in Athens

Democracy and Class Struggle publish this information about the (KOE) Communist Organisation of Greece members of Parliament has it is one of the few public statements from KOE we have seen in recent days.

Our publication is not approval of the political line of KOE but the provision of information for comrades to make their own judgements about line questions.

Below you may read the PUBLIC statement of the 4 SYRIZA MPs of KOE in which they explain the reasons why they didn’t participate in the voting session in the Hellenic Parliament.


We decided not to participate in the voting because: ·

This process is not just a negotiating mandate but it represents our commitment to a Third Memorandum, drawn up on demand of the Troika.

This decision will plunge the country into greater deadlocks. ·

We marched for years in the path of the anti-memorandum movement, we committed ourselves in positions and programs that clearly aimed at solving peoples’ problems.

Our aim was their liberation from the suffocating neoliberal surveillance programs, which made people poorer, which bargained away public wealth, which demolished any collective conquest.

We fought to stop the transformation of our country to a debt colony and to a protectorate. ·

Just few days after the resounding 'NO' that Greek people voted in the referendum, we cannot approve, as a basis for discussion with the lenders, the same issues that our people rejected despite the unprecedented conditions of blackmail.

An agreement that, in its outcome (after the negotiation procedures end) will probably be even more burdensome. Moreover we are being asked to approve a package of measures with fast track procedures that directly refer to the practices of previous governments. ·

It is unacceptable that a Left Wing Government loads on its shoulders a Third Memorandum, to implement policies and measures that even the most purebred pro-Memoranda political forces struggled to avoid.

With this plan, many projects and hopes will be canceled. Furthermore it becomes obvious that this plan ignores all the wishes and aspirations of the Greek people. ·

Despite the huge support it received from the people, the Greek government has made strategic mistakes.

Its illusions led to a dead end, which left the country with two painful choices/alternatives: a Third Memorandum or a ”Grexit”, but without any preparation of the people.

All our warnings raised after February 20th were ignored. · Citizens do not want the old political system to return. However, such an agreement does not stabilize the government but brings it into direct conflict with the masses and all the movements developed in the past. ·

To the extent that the government will follow such a hopeless and unpopular policy -and if there are no other political developments- it should be assumed that we cannot, as MPs of SYRIZA, support this course.

We were elected with a program, we are committed to the people to promote an anti-memorandum policy, and we consider that Politics and Morality should meet again. ·

Our choice not to participate in tonight's vote signifies our opposition to the procedure followed, and mainly states in the clearest way the need for a total change of direction.

The fight for a political, economic and social way out goes on, thanks to the large reserves of courage of our people. Athens, Saturday 11 July 2015, 04:00 AM

Vassilis Chatzilamprou, MP of SYRIZA for Achaia Dimitris Kodelas, MP of SYRIZA for Argolida Vassilis Kyriakakis, MP of SYRIZA for Fthiotida Eleni Sotiriou, MP of SYRIZA for Attica

Further information study KOE newspaper:

See also:

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