Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Solidarity from Lugansk and Donetsk with Istanbul and Kobane by Prizrak (Ghost) Brigade and Borotba

Solidarity Statement from Borotba in Turkish and English

Derneği "Borotba" Türk ve Kürt artık eşitsiz olan solcular savaşı ile dayanışma ifade iki cephede de İslam faşistleri hükümet baskı ve teröre karşı.

Sosyalist gençlik yaz kampı barbarca bir saldırıda 30'dan fazla arkadaş, yüzden fazla yaralı hayatına mal oldu. Faşist İslam Devleti tarafından terör eylemi için Türk solcular intikam bilinen İslamcı militanlar IG bir cevap verdi.

Türk Hükümeti sadece İslami faşist terör örgütü işi bastırmak değil, ama aslında onların tarafına Komünistlerin baskı üzmeye geldi. Solcu katliamı İstanbul ve diğer şehirlerde eylemciler, Kürdistan bombalama sosyalizm savaşçılarının tepkiye neden oldu. Şimdi İstanbul Gazi Mahallesi'nde gerilla-Komünistler ve halk mücadele eden Türk ordusu milisleri girdi ile Kürdistan Bölgesi askeri polis güçleri ile eşit olmayan bir savaşa girdiler.

Biz, Ukraynalı Komünistler, Türk ve Kursky yoldaşların mücadele, dayanışmamızı. Sağ Naziler sol ve muhalefeti yok etmek için hükümetin elinde, halka gözdağı zaman durum aşina. Ukrayna Komünistler ve Türkiye ve Kürdistan Komünistleri mücadele mücadele bir savaş.

Faşizme karşı Birleşik cephe ve emperyalizme – ve İstanbul cobán için Lugansk ve Donetsk!

Union Borotba expresses its solidarity with the Turkish and Kurdish leftists that now lead an unequal battle on two fronts -- against government repression and the terror of Islamic fascists.

A barbaric attack on the Socialist Youth summer camp claimed the lives of more than 30 comrades, and more than 100 were injured. Turkish leftists responded to this act of terror by the fascist Islamic State with retribution against known Islamist militants.

The Turkish government has not only failed to stop the Islamic fascists’ terrorist network, but actually assist them, by unleashing a crackdown against the communists. The massacre of leftist activists in Istanbul and other cities, and the bombardment of Kurdistan, have provoked a reaction from the fighters for socialism. Now in Istanbul's Gazi neighborhood, communist guerrillas and local residents are engaged in an unequal battle with paramilitary police forces, while in Kurdistan the militia has entered into battle with the Turkish army.

We, the Ukrainian communists, express our solidarity with the struggle of our Turkish and Kurdish comrades. We know firsthand how a right-wing government uses fascists to destroy leftists and oppositionists, to intimidate the population. The struggle of communists in Ukraine and the struggle of communists in Turkey and Kurdistan is one struggle.

United front against fascism and imperialism -- from Lugansk and Donetsk to Istanbul and Kobáne!

Democracy and Class Struggle applauds the struggle of the Prizrak Brigade whose political understanding has deepened over the last year - for your anti oligarchic struggle to succeed you have to raise the struggle for socialism and not just populism and for the external situation to change you must not just be anti hegemonic but anti imperialist .
 Red Salute to the Prizrak Brigade in the frontline of struggle against Fascism and Imperialism.

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